Connection Card
Tell us about your prayer requests or any decisions you have made today.
About Us
Thank you for taking your time to become acquainted with us.
Our desire is that you will find our church to be filled with friendly, compassionate people who extend a warm greeting. Although we are not perfect people, our lives and our journeys tell an incredible story of God's marvelous grace and goodness.
We invite you, whether just passing through or new to our community, to visit with us. May the Lord bless you and lead you to the very place He has for you to serve and worship.
Our desire is that you will find our church to be filled with friendly, compassionate people who extend a warm greeting. Although we are not perfect people, our lives and our journeys tell an incredible story of God's marvelous grace and goodness.
We invite you, whether just passing through or new to our community, to visit with us. May the Lord bless you and lead you to the very place He has for you to serve and worship.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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